Empowering Change through Civic Engagement
At Florida Student Power Network, we firmly believe that civic engagement serves as an essential instrument in the transformation of communities, paving the way for a brighter future specifically designed to uplift black and brown youth and young adults. We are committed to empowering youth as active participants across various facets of civic engagement, including but not limited to voting, volunteering, advocacy, and participating in public meetings. By fostering their participation in these components of civic engagement, we aim to build the next generation of movers and shakers. With collective action and actively informing our community, we firmly believe in our ability to construct a society that is more inclusive and sustainable by prioritizing the needs of the most vulnerable individuals who are often overlooked and neglected.

We Advocate
We speak up for social, political, and environmental issues. By raising awareness, lobbying policymakers, and working towards policy changes that align with our interests and the interest of the community. We bring young people together to address common concerns and work collectively towards solutions to reimagine a world safe for us.

We Educate
Civic education is crucial for youth and young adults as it equips us with the knowledge, critical thinking skills, and understanding of a democratic processes necessary to become active and informed citizens. We bring diverse perspectives, ideas, and experiences to the table. By actively participating in elections, educating the masses about legislation we contribute to a more inclusive and representative democracy that reflects the diversity of the population.

We Vote
Exercising the right to vote in local, regional, and national elections is a fundamental component of civic engagement. It allows for youth and young adults to have a say in choosing their representatives and influencing policy decisions. By actively participating in elections, we believe that we can ensure that our voices, concerns, and perspectives are represented in the decision-making process. We have unique experiences and ideas that deserve to be heard and considered by elected officials.

We Organize
We organize Black, Brown and directly impacted youth and young adults in our communities together to address common concerns and work collectively towards solutions. It involves mobilizing community members, facilitating dialogue, and implementing initiatives to address local needs.

We Empower
Empowering the next generation starts with us because we hold the key to shaping the future! By exposing Black and Brown youth to different environments, resources and opportunities we allow them to realize their full potential, become agents of positive change, and contribute to the betterment of society.