Through political education, organizing skills, and issue based and electoral campaigns we are building power among young people and fighting for a people-powered Florida.
We envision a Florida where Black, Brown and directly impacted youth & student organizers lead the charge towards safe and sustainable communities.

Florida Student Power is a growing organization that is grounded in building power in Black and Brown communities with young people leading the movement and decision-making process. Last year, we tapped into our power during the legislative session by directly pressuring legislators across our issues, trained youth to lead our vote program through Power University, and built community throughout our program cycles. This year, Florida Student Power is engaging in a civic engagement and membership program that uplifts youth of color and those with marginalized identities. Our members and youth organizers will learn the legislative process, how to engage the electorate through local elections, membership recruitment, and to build the organization’s long term & sustainable capacity.
How We Do It
Civic Engagement Program: We educate, organize and mobilize our youth through legislative session and our campaigns that informs our electoral strategies for local, state and presidential elections.
Campaigns: will uplift the impacts of our youth with issue priorities of education justice, migrant justice, and climate justice.
Power University: the political education arm of the organization will lead curriculum and training that go over the basics of organizing, highlighting the differences between issue-based community organizing, and electoral organizing. Power University will also partner with organizations and universities across the state on in-person/virtual training.
Power Pods: regional groups of youth, will be where youth mobilize, strategize, and practice collective decision making.