engage | empower | organize

About Florida Student Power
Florida Student Power Network is building Youth Power in the state by organizing 15-25 year old Black, brown and marginalized youth. We do so by educating, organizing and mobilizing our youth to the polls and building a political home that gives them the tools to protect their communities and use their voices during legislative and electoral cycles.Florida Student Power build youth leaders by engaging them in our civic engagement and membership program that uplifts youth of color and those with marginalized identities. Our members and youth organizers learn the legislative process, how to engage the electorate through local elections, membership recruitment, and to build the organization’s long term & sustainable capacity.
Our base engages with the organization through the Youth Power Model : Power Pods, regional groups of youth, will be where youth mobilize, strategize, and practice collective decision making. Power University as the political education arm of the organization. Campaigns will exist in our issue priorities of education justice, migrant justice, and climate justice. Lastly, our youth will support and LEAD the organizational priorities for our Civic Engagement Program that include legislative session and state, local and presidential elections.